The Development of Digital Democracy in Indonesia: A Case Study of Online Election Platforms


  • Fauzie Hikmatussalam Sutrisna London School of Public Relation Sudirman Park
  • Dwi Yanto Nugroho London School of Public Relation Sudirman Park
  • Emanuella Ta Rebo London School of Public Relation Sudirman Park


digital democracy, online elections, participation, transparency


Much research has been done on the development of digital democracy in Indonesia and in other countries, but there are still few that add to the development of democracy in Indonesia in 2024. This research aims to analyze the development of digital democracy in Indonesia, especially the use of online election platforms. The method used is qualitative, namely by conducting a review of the previous research literature and other sources. The results of the study stated that the development of digital democracy in Indonesia, especially the use of online election platforms, continues to increase, where the percentage of voter participation and transparency in the last two elections, namely 2019 and 2024, is above 81%. The contribution of this research is to provide an overview to election organizers that not all voters can use online election platforms, especially voters in rural areas.


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How to Cite

Hikmatussalam Sutrisna, F. ., Yanto Nugroho, D. ., & Ta Rebo, E. . (2024). The Development of Digital Democracy in Indonesia: A Case Study of Online Election Platforms. LAW&PASS: International Journal of Law, Public Administration and Social Studies, 1(3), 374–382. Retrieved from



